1. Do I sign up for the swim season and then do an eval?  Or do an eval before signing up?

Welcome to NKAT Swimming!  If you are new here, please sign your swimmer up for a coach evaluation before registering for the season.  At the eval, the coach will tell you which level your swimmer should be registered for.  Returning swimmers do not normally need an evaluation, coaches notify swimmers at the end of the previous season if they are changing levels.

At a Cubs 1 eval, we check that the swimmer can swim 25 yards freestyle and 25 yards backstroke.  We do ask them to do an in water backstroke start (with directions) and a seated dive off the side (with directions).  This assesses their comfort in the water and stamina.

For Cubs 2, we check the above Cubs 1 skills, but also check their ability to swim butterfly and  breaststroke.  Stamina is also assessed as they will be swimming longer distances.  Cubs 2 usually requires Cubs 1 participation or previous swimming instruction.

  1. What is the difference between WMSL and USA Swimming?

NKAT swimmers compete in West Michigan Swim League (WMSL) meets and in USA Swimming (USAS) meets. The WMSL is a developmental league and is intended for novice and young age groupers (4-13 years). Seasons are short (about 8-10 weeks) and are conducted in Winter (Dec-early Feb and June – July). Swimmers compete in invitational meets, dual meets, and a season ending championship meets. Swimmers in our Cubs 1 & 2, Level I, II and III are well-suited to swim in the WMSL. Events are offered by age-groups during the regular and championship season. This league does not require a USA membership to compete. 

NKAT is also a United States Swimming (USAS) club, and our swimmers can compete in competitions governed by USA Swimming, our National Sport Governing Body (NGO). Meets are held from Oct-March and May – July. Events are offered by age-groups during the regular and championship season. Swimmers compete in sanctioned meets and invitationals throughout the season. USAS Membership is required to attend sanctioned USA Swim meets. Swimmers belonging to Level III – Senior Group are enrolled USAS after registering with NKATs, swimmers in Cubs – Level II are offered the option to enroll.  For more information on USA Swimming memberships, see our explainer document.

  1. What equipment does my athlete need?

The equipment an athlete needs will depend on the level they are in.  Girls should wear a one piece swimsuit.  Boys can swim in trunks, but jammers are preferred.  Cubs swimmers will need well fitting goggles, a towel, and a water bottle in addition to their swimsuit.  Swimmers at cubs level may  want a swim cap, there are NKAT ones available for purchase if you would like a branded cap.  The equipment list for levels swimmers can be downloaded from the documents page or here.  If you are unsure where to purchase swim gear, www.swimoutlet.com is a great place to start.

  1. What’s that phone app we need to download?

There are a few apps that will be helpful for keeping up with all things swim.  All these apps are optional, but they are helpful!  OnDeck and SportsYou are both free.  MeetMobile is a paid app that is not necessary, but it is nice to know it is available if you would like.

OnDeck - OnDeck will give you mobile access to the website in a friendly format.  This can make signing up for meets from your phone easy.  It allows you to access anything that you would normally access on the website.

SportsYou - This is a communication platform that will allow coaches to send messages about practice or meet updates.  It will also allow you to contact other teammates!

MeetMobile - MeetMobile is a pay app that is very optional!  It allows you to see event results as they get posted during a meet. 

  1. What are the swim levels and time commitment per level?

The swim levels are: Cubs 1, Cubs 2, Level I, Level II, Level III, Level IV, Level V, and Senior.  There is also a multi-sport option for Level III - Level V.  For more information about each level, see the Swim Levels document.

  1. Where can I find qualifying time standards for the different leagues?

Qualifying time standards are kept up to date in the documents section of the website.

  1. How do I sign my swimmer up for a meet?

Meets are listed on the Events & Practice Schedule page.  Before signing up for a meet, make sure it matches the league your swimmer is participating in.  If your swimmer is a WMSL only swimmer (usually Cubs 1 and 2), they may register for meets that contain non-USA in the Event Category.  Swimmers with a USA Swimming membership will look for meets that say USA in the Event Category. 

If you are unsure which events to register your swimmer for, reach out to their coach for recommendations or put “coach’s choice” in the comments.

  1. What do volunteers do at swim meets?  Will I be able to watch my swimmer swim?

We are so thankful for our volunteers.  Youth sports are made possible by the power of volunteers and we appreciate you! We want everyone to be able to watch their swimmer swim!  Having enough volunteers means people can switch out to watch their swimmer’s events.  This is a list of typical swim meet jobs:

Admissions - Admissions crew sits at the table to take money for entry and heat sheets.  Must be over 18, be able to handle cash and make change. 

Announcer - Announces events for spectators.  Must be comfortable talking on a microphone/loudspeaker system and reading events from the event list.  Energetic positivity is encouraged!

Colorado Time System Operator -Colorado Operator sits in pool office and operates timing system for meet.  This position requires experience or prior training.

Concessions - Work in concessions under the supervision of a boosters person or at a concession table on the pool balcony.

Hospitality Crew - Retrieve and maintain food/refreshments for officials and coaches during the event and help clean up following the event.

Place Specialist - The place specialists work as a team to record the placement of the swimmers as they finish the heat.  You will get wet, but you get the best possible view of the meet.  Wear quick drying pants and shoes.

Runner  - The runner collects time sheets from the timers and delivers them to the AO in the pool office, posts the results, and runs errands for the AO.  No experience required!

Safety Marshal - Safety marshals help keep the meet safe (no running or horseplay on deck and in pool areas.  Helps alert a lifeguard in the event of an emergency.

Swimmer Check-In & Heat Sheet Copier - Monitor the swimmer check in table, and then once all swimmers have checked in, copy and staple Heat Sheets in the office and deliver them to the swim office and admissions.

Timer - Timers stand at the side of the pool and record time for each event.  Must be able to use a stopwatch and write down times while standing.  Great view of the meet!  (Training is provided for timers at every meet, and new timers are paired with experienced timers.)